Enquiries relating to shareholdings should be made to the Company’s Registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC, using the following contact details:

Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
BS99 6ZZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)370 702 0159

Electronic Communication and Online Shareholding Details

Shareholders may elect to receive communications from the Company electronically via e-mail and the internet. Electronic communication provides a saving in terms of both costs and environmental resources. To register for the service, shareholders should log on to www.investorcentre.co.uk

Shareholders can view and maintain their shareholding details online at: www.investorcentre.co.uk

Shareholders are able to:

  • Update their contact address and personal details;
  • View details of their shareholding, view dividends and update bank details;
  • Access current and historical market prices for the past 20 days.

Electronic Proxy Voting

To lodge your proxy vote for the AGM via the internet, log on to: www.eproxyappointment.com

You will need the Control Number, Shareholder Reference Number and Personal Identification Number printed on your Form of Proxy.

Unsolicited Mail

Under UK law, the Company is obliged to make its share register available to third parties upon payment of the appropriate statutory fee. Because of this, some shareholders may receive unsolicited mail. Shareholders in the UK who wish to limit the receipt of unsolicited mail should register with The Mailing Preference Service at www.mpsonline.org.uk or telephone +44 (0)845 703 4599. You may still, however, receive mail from organisations that do not subscribe to the service.

Identity Theft

There is a growing trend for criminals to target personal information which may put your shareholding at risk. In order to protect yourself, you should consider the following precautions:

  • Ensure all certificates are kept in a safe place or hold shares electronically in CREST;
  • Keep correspondence from the Company’s registrar containing the shareholder reference number in a safe place, or destroy this information by shredding it;
  • Shareholders who have their dividends mandated to their bank accounts should take particular care with tax vouchers as these contain details of their bank account number and sort code;
  • If moving house, the Company’s registrar should be informed. If a letter is received from the Company’s registrar regarding a change of address and no move has taken place, the Company’s registrar should be informed;
  • Dividend payment dates should be known in advance, particularly in the case of receiving dividend cheques. Dividends received electronically may reduce the risk of fraud.