Return to news listing NEWS RELEASE - 14.03.23

Changes To Board Committees

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.11 and the Board’s succession plan, the Company announces that with effect from today:

  • Vivianne Blanlot has rotated off the Nomination and Governance and Remuneration and Talent Management Committees, and joined the Projects Committee;
  • Francisca Castro has joined the Nomination and Governance Committee; and
  • Eugenia Parot has joined the Remuneration and Talent Management Committee.

The members of the Committees are now as follows:

Nomination and Governance Committee: Jean-Paul Luksic (Chair), Tony Jensen and Francisca Castro;

Audit and Risk Committee: Tony Jensen (Chair), Jorge Bande and Francisca Castro;

Remuneration and Talent Management Committee: Francisca Castro (Chair), Michael Anglin, Tony Jensen and Eugenia Parot;

Projects Committee: Michael Anglin (Chair), Jorge Bande, Ramón Jara, Eugenia Parot and Vivianne Blanlot; and

Sustainability and Stakeholder Management Committee: Vivianne Blanlot (Chair), Juan Claro, Jorge Bande, Ramón Jara, Michael Anglin and Eugenia Parot.

Vivianne Blanlot will have served on the Board for nine years on 27 March 2023.


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